$50 $65
This hand poured crystal candle has been infused with the energy of Labradorite and clear quartz.
Take out your crystal piece prior to lighting your candle to avoid damage.

Once your candle has finished, wash out the residue with hot water and enjoy your cast iron cauldron time and time again.

Great to hold anything hot or just for display.

* Sage stick
* Incense
* Charcoal - resin burning or herbs.
* Spell work
* Hold your crystals.

Labradorite is the stone of those seeking to transform, to help set in stone those dreams or needs to change and stick with it.

When you first look at a piece of Lab, she can look like an average joe. Green/ Brown on the outside beautiful but, nothing too special until......

You look at her for who she is, deep down into her core.

It's then, she shows you what she is made of.

She show's you who she really is inside. Why? Because you too have shown who you are to her.

And Oh my!  Doesn't she open your eyes. Forever, you'll be in awe.

Take her into the light and the Flashes of Electric Blues, Purple, Gold, Turquoise, Fire reds and Bright orange amongst some of the colors.

Price is for this exact candle.

Scent is Lemongrass and ginger.

Polished face Labradorite is 51g with electric blue flash.

Cauldron is 14cm wide x 8 cm high with Blessed Be on both front and back.

Blessings beautiful souls x

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